It's finally come around to the first intro day. I've been dreading this. I've read too many horror stories of rats brutally attacking each other during intros.
First I made sure to clip the boy's nails, not an easy task- and one I had been putting off. I don't need two scratched up rat's though, so I gritted my teeth and did it with much help from my mom. Don't try and clip rat's nails by yourself, its a two person job.
Then it took a little while to retrieve all the supplies I needed....
List of supplies:
1) Spray bottle (to break up bad fights)
2) Two sets of Gloves (one for me and one for my mom, who was helping. (This is in case you have to break up a fight and they are bit-y))
3) towels for the tub bottom.
4) Dave's cage
5) Dapper's Carrier
6) An array of treats
7) two disgruntled rats
When we all got into the bathroom finally and I stuck the rats in the tub together, I was surprised that Dave immediately became edgy. He stood up on his hind legs, boxing at Dapper, and putting his paws all over Dap's head. The little shrimp was trying to be dominate! Dapper didn't seem all that interested. He didn't know what to do with the little punk that was trying to stand up to him. He lumbered about, looking for a way out of the tub.
Dave kept boxing whenever Dapper got close, and Dapper got bored of this after a while. He started trying to get at Dave's underside and power groom. Dave wouldn't have any of that, he squeaked, and boxed Dapper's head some more, but it was obvious that Dave was becoming a little more hesitant about his dominate stance.
This went on for about five more minutes until their first intro time was up. It wasn't a bad or good first intro, just sort of in-between. It was a serial moment when I stuck Dapper and Dave in the bathtub, and they were together, no barriers, not safety walls... and yet no one died, the stock market didn't crash, the world didn't end. What a pleasant surprise.